County Treasurer

The Office of County Treasurer was established by the Constitution of the State of Michigan (Article VII, Section 4). The four-year term of office is filled by partisan election. The duties and powers of the County Treasurer are provided by state law and by authorization of the County Board of Commissioners. The two main roles of the treasurer are the custodian of all county funds and the collector of taxes.

The County receives money from the following sources: property taxes, state and federal grants, interest or investment income, license fees, and other service fees. The County’s departments collect money in the course of their business and transmit it weekly to the County Treasurer’s office.

The County Treasurer is responsible for the funds in financial institutions and investment firms. The office is also responsible for the sale of dog licenses, the re-conveyance of property, the certification of register of deeds documents including plat maps, and the certification of tax histories. The County Treasurer is also in charge of the annual tax foreclosure sale.

The County Treasurer is a member of the County Election Commission, the Apportionment Committee, the County Plat Board, and the Board of Public Works. Some may serve on other boards as well.  The County Treasurer is the chairperson of the Oceana County Land Bank Authority.

Tax Information Center

Visit our Tax Information Center to view the current year’s taxes, to make an online payment on delinquent taxes, to learn about taxpayer assistance, or to conduct a delinquent tax search.

Contact the County Treasurer


Mary Lou Phillips County Treasurer

Monica Otis Chief Deputy Treasurer

Mindy Whitney Accounting Clerk II

Samantha Tienda Accounting Clerk ll

Main Phone: (231) 873-3980


Address Oceana County Building
100 S. State Street, Suite M-2
P.O. Box 227
Hart, MI 49420

Hours Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Contact Us