A Lake Improvement Board operates under the provisions of The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (excerpt) Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 309, as amended, and is established to address relevant lake improvement issues. They include the oversight of aquatic weed control programs, nuisance control, and other educational activities.
Members of a Lake Improvement Board consist of a member of the County Board of Commissioners that represents that district, The County Drain Commissioner, one representative from each of the local units of government (city, village, and township) in which the lake is located (or two representatives if there is just one local unit of government) and a riparian property owner on the lake.
Currently, there are 5 established Lake Improvement Boards in Oceana County. They include Pentwater Lake, Stony Lake, Lake Holiday, Silver Lake, and Hart Lake.
A point of interest is that there are just over 70 lakes in Oceana County that are 5 acres or more.
View the Inland Lake Improvement Act
Native and Invasive Species Resources
- Natural Shorelines for Inland Lakes
- Native & Invasive Plant Chart
- Benefits of Native Plants
- Invasive Species – Starry Stonewort
- Invasive Species – Eurasian Watermilfoil
- Eurasian Milfoil – Weed Risk Assessment
- European Frogbit
- Hybrid Milfoil – Management Implications
Contact the Drain Commissioner
StaffMichelle Martin Drain Commissioner 231-873-3887 mmartin@oceana.mi.us
Brandon McDougall Chief Deputy Drain Commissioner 231-873-3887 bmcdougall@oceana.mi.us
Main Phone: (231) 873-3887
Fax: (231) 873-5914
Email: dc@oceana.mi.us
Oceana County Building
100 S. State Street, Suite L-12
Hart, MI 49420