Access Accommodation (ADA)

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the 51st Circuit Court, 79th District Court, and the Probate Court of the State of Michigan seek to ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities have equal and full access to the judicial system through the implementation of a joint Local Administrative Order 2017-01J. If you have a disability and require special accommodations to participate in court events or access court resources, please complete the Request for Accommodations Form and return it as instructed on the form. If you cannot access the form or have questions about accommodations, please contact the Court ADA Coordinator at (231) 873-3977 or (231) 873-3666.

If you need to request for an interpreter, please download and complete the Language Access Plan form.

If you have made a request and your request has been denied in whole or in part by the ADA coordinator, you may request a further review of the Review of Request for Reasonable Accommodation.

If a person alleges that the court’s ADA procedures or practices, outside of specific requests for accommodation, result in discrimination on the basis of disability as to the provision of services, activities, or programs of the court, the person may file a grievance.

Contact the 51st Circuit Court


Susan K. Sniegowski Circuit Court Judge

Eric R. Fox Family Court Judge

Anna R. Rapa Attorney Referee

Tonya Selig Court Administrator / Chief Clerk

Julie Sines Circuit Court Deputy Clerk

Kyla Miller Circuit Court Deputy Clerk

Betty Carter Juvenile Court Officer

Jennifer Sill Juvenile Probation Officer

Jonna TenHove Juvenile Probation Officer

Main Phone: (231) 873-3977

Phone Alt: (231) 873-3811 - Juvenile Court

Fax: (231) 873-1943

Address Oceana County Building
100 S. State Street, Suite M-10
Hart, MI 49420

Hours Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Paperwork and filing fees will be accepted after 4:30 PM but will not be officially filed or receipted until the following business day.

Contact Us