The Michigan Department of Natural Resources requires a person to obtain a free salvage permit to possess wildlife killed in vehicular collisions. The permit cannot be used to possess badger, bobcat, brant, coot, crow, bear cub, duck, elk, fisher, Florida gallinule, goose, marten, moose, otter, snipe, sora rail, spotted fawn deer, Virginia rail, wild turkey, wolf, or woodcock.
The driver of the vehicle has first choice to take possession of the game. If the driver leaves it, another individual make take it for salvage. This permit does not apply to an individual who uses a motor vehicle to kill or injure game intentionally.
⬇ To apply for a salvage permit, please complete this online application form below. ⬇
If you leave the form before completing the entire form, your answers will not be saved. You will still be able to go back to the form and start over, but your previous responses will be lost. Before beginning the application, you need to know the date and location where the salvaged animal was collected. You will also need an email address for the permit to be sent. Once you receive the email you can then print the permit.
If you intent to take a salvage deer to a business for processing a permit is required.
To begin the application process, select the “Next page” button at the bottom of this page. This information is required under Part 435, 1994 PA 451, Michigan Compiled Laws 324.43539 and Section 4.5 of the Wildlife Conservation Order. For questions regarding this registration, please contact the Wildlife Division Permit Specialist at 517-284-6210.